Hello World!
Welcome to my first actual blog post. Although it’s not technically the first, the others were written before this site existed and got moved over here by the wonderful enscribe who helped make this site possible. Check him out here, he’s a very cool guy 😎.
For now, this blog will mainly consist of my CTF writeups, especially with many of the big HS CTFs coming up and this being the last year we’ll be able to compete in them as View Source meaning we need to go out with a bang.
Once I find the time, I’d eventually like to make a blog post about college apps, my team’s journey to CyberPatriot National Finals, and maybe something about getting into cybersecurity as a high schooler. Those are all topics I’ve been asked questions about before and I’ve wasted spent a lot of hours on all of them, so even if I can help out one person with them I’d be happy. In the future, I’ll also probably separate my writeups and blog posts to be a little more organized.
Anyways, thanks for the read! Have a wonderful day!
Test code snippet
print("Hello world!")